Once you have spent a lot of time and effort on creating your ideal web site, it is not a lot of use to you if people can't find it. There are an estimated 13 billion web pages that go to making up the world wide web, so it is worth spending a little time on making sure that your site can be found easily attracting visitors and potential revenue instead of languishing in almost total obscurity.
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a method used to make sure that your website is visible to the outside world and that it is listed as high as possible on the major search engines and directories such as Google, Yahoo, MSN, and DMOZ, employing carefully chosen strategic search terms.
Webtimedesign has plenty of expertise in this field and can help in a number of ways to drive traffic to your website. There are some very basic things that should be done as standard including paying specific attention to designing your website in standard compliant code optimised for search engine results., by following industry standard best practice.
We are happy to work with clients weather we designed your original website or not. Everything we do to optimise your site will be done with full consultation. We will spend time getting to know you and your business, so that we can get a better appreciation of the types of visitor that you wish to attract to your site and the sorts of search terms that we need to employ.
Webtimedesign only operate ethical optimisation techniques to acquire good rankings for our clients -in short we will not use methods that could have potential adverse effects and result in your site being removed totally from the major search engines. To find out more or to organise a free consultation please contact us.